

Pre- And Post-Kidney Transplant Surgery Care In San Antonio

If you or a loved one has advanced or permanent kidney failure, your best option for treatment may be to have a kidney transplant surgery. A kidney transplant, as its words imply, is when a kidney that no longer functions properly is removed and replaced with a donated kidney.

Visit Our Clinics in South Texas Near You or Request for An Appointment at 210-212-8622 For Professional Consultation.

Giving Real Hope to Individuals with Acute Kidney Failure ( or Acute Renal Failure)

While the human body has two kidneys, a single donated kidney can replace two failed kidneys. Because of this, kidneys can be donated by living donors (unlike with hearts and some other organs). This means that people with end-stage renal failure have more opportunities to find donors who meet the criteria for organ matching. In fact, many transplant patients have kidneys that were donated by a friend or family member.

Since kidney transplant treatment was first pioneered in the 1950s, there have been some 60 years of advancement in the field. During that time, nephrologists, such as the doctors at South Texas Renal Care Group, have learned a great deal about how to prevent rejection of the donor kidney by the body and how to minimize the side effects of the medications.

It’s important to remember that a kidney transplant surgery is not a cure. It is merely a treatment, but a highly effective one for people who are candidates. People who receive a new kidney take medicine for the rest of their lives — lives that can be led normally, for the most part.

For renal transplant, trust South Texas’ kidney specialists

When you qualify for a kidney transplant surgery, you can count on the specialists at South Texas Renal Care Group to provide comprehensive care both before and after transplantation. If you are a candidate for a kidney transplant, our team can provide complete pre-transplant evaluation and counseling, as well as post-transplant medical management. Post-transplant care includes immunosuppressive therapy, which is a very important aspect of care. In addition, success with kidney transplantation depends on a coordinated effort on the part of an entire team. These include the nephrologist (kidney specialist), the transplant surgeon, a transplant coordinator, a pharmacist, a dietitian and other medical professionals. At STRCG, we combine an experienced transplant team’s know-how, skill, advanced capabilities and commitment to help ensure a seamless team and the best possible outcomes.

For more information about our medical services and office locations, fill out the contact us form to hear back from us.